kivic hud

by kivic

Auto & Vehicles


The very name "Head Up" describes the principle benefit of this system. HUDprojects important information such as speed, time, notifications or instructionsfrom navigation apps. All this information is reflected onto the combiner lensand is thus permanently in the drivers field of vision. Having the displays in thedrivers direct field of view increase safety, as the eyes are always on the road.Unlike the conventional HUDs from auto OEMs, Kivic SM HUD is designedas a companion product for smartphones. Manipulating phones while drivingIt is prohibited by laws in many countries. But in reality, due to the wide spread ofvarious smartphone based navigation apps and the flood of incoming texts fromvarious messaging and SNS apps, using smartphone while driving is inevitable.If inevitable, it will be much better to offer a new way to make it safer. By bringall the notifications and navigation instructions from your smartphone to thedrivers direct field of view, Kivic SM HUD makes your driving much safer.